Psalms 126:3

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"

We've Been Waiting:

Making our Way to Miah:

We are very close to receiving out TA (Travel Approval) WHOOP, WHOOP!

April 23: All Hague adoption paperwork is complete. US Consulate will issue our Article 5 to China (CCCWA) within 10 days.

Happy Referral Day: February 21, 2013
(we waited 1 year, 6 months, 20 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes

LID - March 26, 2012

DTC (dossier to China): March 9, 2012

USCIS Approval: February 13, 2012

USCIS Fingerprinting visit: February 7, 2012

Dossier completed: January 2012

Chinese Consulate mailing: December 2011

Paper-chase began: August 1, 2011

Talk to our Agency: July 2011

Decision to begin the journey: Father's Day 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

A BIG Happy Birthday to you daddy & sweetie!

I started dance class

I can do this . . .
and this . . . I make my routine up as I go . . .

I also pick out my outfit.  I thought it would be fun to wear my tutu bathing suite in January with clogs!  It is so much fun and my mommy gets to dance along with me!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Aaah, The Weekend. . . .

sleeping in
homemade blueberry waffles
making brunch after early service with my little helper
fresh air and time in the winter garden
watching my little one play in her sandbox
nap time & snuggles
feeding the ducks
our lab swimming in the lake
 eating her worth of bread crumbs from the bridge
rocky road ice cream on a cone
family game of candy land
bath time
singing, dancing, giggling at bedtime
L O V E  IT!
 Liliah's drawing of Minnie Mouse.  I was so surprised at her accomplishment!  When did she go from scribbling to this composition?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day

Two years ago today, you were placed in our arms. Our hearts and lives were forever changed! Some may wonder if God is real because they can't see Him.  But I know He is for many reasons, but one of them is you. 
We love you Liliah YingXia