Psalms 126:3

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"

We've Been Waiting:

Making our Way to Miah:

We are very close to receiving out TA (Travel Approval) WHOOP, WHOOP!

April 23: All Hague adoption paperwork is complete. US Consulate will issue our Article 5 to China (CCCWA) within 10 days.

Happy Referral Day: February 21, 2013
(we waited 1 year, 6 months, 20 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes

LID - March 26, 2012

DTC (dossier to China): March 9, 2012

USCIS Approval: February 13, 2012

USCIS Fingerprinting visit: February 7, 2012

Dossier completed: January 2012

Chinese Consulate mailing: December 2011

Paper-chase began: August 1, 2011

Talk to our Agency: July 2011

Decision to begin the journey: Father's Day 2011

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lake Chelan & Goodbye Summer!

We headed to Lake Chelan on Labor Day.  We took an extended vacation to hang on to summer a little longer.  There were no crowds the following 3 days of our stay.  First thing Liliah did was find her bed and do this.

Daddy had a blast driving a boat for the first time . . .

Analogy of Liliah's first boat ride, quietly concerned about not flying out of the boat,  to a smile . . .  

to . . .W O O  H O O, this is the life! She kept saying, faster, faster.
We took in the beautiful scenery. Liliah thought the scenery looked like a storybook, because it looked flat. The lake was like glass, not crowded and the temp hovered at 84 everyday.

Daddy did a little fishing . . .

I did a little snacking . . .
a little playing  . . .

and a little napping . . .

Mommy got behind the wheel, she likes to go fast.

I even got to do some driving . . .

We swam . . .
and played . . .

Mostly, we just relaxed . . .

Goodbye summer, I'll miss doing art in my bathing suit

Working in the garden

Picking green beans and peas

Splashing in the pool . . .

and, soaking up the sun . . . It's been a great summer.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday (one week ago!)

We waited for you to tip toe down the stairs to see all of the decorations we had displayed.  There were lots and lots of balloons and crepe paper streamers. These are truly life's special moments and we soaked it all in.
You were very pleased with all the fuss we made of you.  You have been counting down how many days until you turn five for about a week.  I would pretend to be a little sad and would say, I only have "X" amount of days with my 4 year old.  The night before you turned 5, you said, Mommy, you love your 4 year old don't you.  And I said, yes I do, but come Saturday, I am going to love my 5 year old . . .
You got right to the business of opening all of your presents.

Thank you Uncle Randy, Auntie Lori, Lacey, Daisey, the dog!
Thank you, Papa and Nana

I love Angelina, Ballerina
We celebrated with cake in the evening after a full day at the local State Fair.  We rode some kiddie rides, peddled away on the wagon trikes, pet some baby piglets.  They are my favorite because I love their curly tails.  I even gently pulled some of those because I couldn't resist.  I felt the wool of sheep and think they make the best sounds.  We giggled at the farmer's produce that made weird shapes.  We even met a HUGE Clydesdale horse and mommy said that she wanted one of those.  I gave mommy and daddy a big hug at the end of the day and THANKED THEM for a FUN birthday!  I think they were very pleased with themselves . . .
I LOVED the cake mommy made me.  She pulled off another Minnie Mouse cake.  I chose a vanilla and strawberry cake with Neapolitan ice cream.

Happy Birthday, sweet Liliah, Happy Birthday to You!

May all the plans your Heavenly Father have for you, come true.