Psalms 126:3

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"

We've Been Waiting:

Making our Way to Miah:

We are very close to receiving out TA (Travel Approval) WHOOP, WHOOP!

April 23: All Hague adoption paperwork is complete. US Consulate will issue our Article 5 to China (CCCWA) within 10 days.

Happy Referral Day: February 21, 2013
(we waited 1 year, 6 months, 20 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes

LID - March 26, 2012

DTC (dossier to China): March 9, 2012

USCIS Approval: February 13, 2012

USCIS Fingerprinting visit: February 7, 2012

Dossier completed: January 2012

Chinese Consulate mailing: December 2011

Paper-chase began: August 1, 2011

Talk to our Agency: July 2011

Decision to begin the journey: Father's Day 2011

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm 2 1/2 Now!

What have I been up 2? I can count to 5 pointing to each of my fingers.  I can only pronounce 1 & 2 and I like to point to things in pairs.  I can identify pink, blue, yellow, purple, red and orange. I know what a circle and square is. I like to help dress and undress myself.  I have opinions about shoes and like to choose which to wear, love to wear mommy and daddy's shoes around the house.  I remember things I have enjoyed doing with daddy & mommy, like building a snowman, flying on an airplane to Arizona to spend time with Papa & Nana, swimming with Mama, going to a baseball game.  I talk about them by naming those involved and then using one word about the event so others will know what I'm talking about!  I can drink from a straw and eat my own McDonald's hamburger.  I like to work on puzzles and sing songs while mommy rocks me at night.  I am very excited about saying Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck's names.  I got a new potty chair and I have started using it.

 Playing with my new water & sand table. I LOVE to play in the water and will do so for an hour at a time. The dogs and I are ready for the summer!!!

I'm in gymnastics (nastics) and here is my first look at the rings
I did this on my own and made up my routine!

Mommy plays with me in class too...

 W e e 

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter 2010

I'm really concentrating as this is my first time coloring Easter eggs.  Mommy still loves my sweet baby hands!

I am having a good time and I want to do it all by myself

Just look at that sweet face . . . I can still see the baby in her . . .

This is my very first Easter egg hunt too! 

Splash in the bucket

Daddy's making sure I don't fall down the hill & loose all my loot

My stash . . .

 All done and I only dumped my bucket twice

 Last Easter Liliah had only been home 3 months and was still very much a baby.  This year she kept saying, "Easter is coming," in her own language of course as was so excited about it for the past week. I kept telling her, Easter is today and we are celebrating Jesus!!!  When she woke up, we helped her find her basket.  She spied a panda puppet wash cloth and then wouldn't go near the basket.  Once we removed it she was all over the foil chocolate Easter bunny and promptly unwrapped for consumption.  She clapped her hands and said, yeah when we pulled out the table cloth and dishes and made a pretty arrangement for the table.  We had a lovely day together with friends. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Northwest meets Southwest 2010

Photo and video editing at

We spent 5 wonderful days in sunny Arizona with my parents.  It was so green and beautiful, with the blooms beginning to come out.  This was Liliah's first Spring Training and RVing with her Papa & Nana!  She was so excited for nearly two weeks saying their names over and over and then saying the word airplane and swooping her hand up in the air.  She loves to fly....she's taken off and landed 9 times in a little over year. 
We spent a couple of days catching some Major League baseball games, did LOTS of swimming and a day of sight seeing.  Liliah had a ball in the pool. I enjoyed pushing her in the stroller every morning and talking about all the gizmos that people had in their front yards.  We also had fun sitting outside in the rockers.  She wanted to do it by herself and that kept her busy while I had the pleasure of reading a magazine....ahh!  She learned what a cactus is and had fun pointing them out.
Thanks for making the trek to Arizona Dad & Mom, we had a great time!!!