Psalms 126:3

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"

We've Been Waiting:

Making our Way to Miah:

We are very close to receiving out TA (Travel Approval) WHOOP, WHOOP!

April 23: All Hague adoption paperwork is complete. US Consulate will issue our Article 5 to China (CCCWA) within 10 days.

Happy Referral Day: February 21, 2013
(we waited 1 year, 6 months, 20 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes

LID - March 26, 2012

DTC (dossier to China): March 9, 2012

USCIS Approval: February 13, 2012

USCIS Fingerprinting visit: February 7, 2012

Dossier completed: January 2012

Chinese Consulate mailing: December 2011

Paper-chase began: August 1, 2011

Talk to our Agency: July 2011

Decision to begin the journey: Father's Day 2011

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Celebrating 10 Months & 1 Year Ago

Mommy let me brush my pink pony's hair

I can't look now Mommy, I'm concentrating!


Today we hit 10 months together as a family.  Tomorrow, November 13 is the day that we received our Letter of Acceptance from China officially stating Liliah was ours!  This is a picture taken of her that day at her foster family's home.

10 Things We Love About Her.........

  1. She ours....what a gift
  2. Her resilient spirit
  3. Her sense of humor.....she makes us laugh and knows it!
  4. Her giggles
  5. Easy going and willing to try new things
  6. Her long eye lashes & rose bud lips
  7. She sleeps 12 hours a night since we arrived home from China
  8. She takes a 2-3 hour nap every day
  9. Her teenie tiny self
  10. She loves to be with us


Courtney said...

Beautiful post. I love the picture where she is cheesin for the camera!

W,M,M,A Davis said...

So do we call this "Happy LOA day"? What precious pictures!