Psalms 126:3

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"

We've Been Waiting:

Making our Way to Miah:

We are very close to receiving out TA (Travel Approval) WHOOP, WHOOP!

April 23: All Hague adoption paperwork is complete. US Consulate will issue our Article 5 to China (CCCWA) within 10 days.

Happy Referral Day: February 21, 2013
(we waited 1 year, 6 months, 20 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes

LID - March 26, 2012

DTC (dossier to China): March 9, 2012

USCIS Approval: February 13, 2012

USCIS Fingerprinting visit: February 7, 2012

Dossier completed: January 2012

Chinese Consulate mailing: December 2011

Paper-chase began: August 1, 2011

Talk to our Agency: July 2011

Decision to begin the journey: Father's Day 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Your Birthday

Your BIG day finally arrived!   
(This is also the day 3 years ago that we received a call from our agency saying they had found a little baby girl for us)  
We also spent this morning meeting with our social worker on our journey to your baby sister.
You wanted to open your presents as soon as your feet hit the ground out of bed.  When I asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you said you would like a big box.

While playing you told us that it was so nice for us to buy this for you.  You are asking WHY a lot these days.  Often you will know the answer and then tell us.  You asked us, why you buy this for me because you lub me?
The only other thing you asked for was a Mickey Mouse cake with sprinkles on it! You and I made the cake a couple nights before, but I told you that the decoration part had to be a surprise.  You loved that, but also stood on the couch in our family room trying to peek in as I worked. 
You were pleased with cake I made.  You said that you are going to be 4 forever because that's how it works
 We pray and know that God will continue to bless you, our sweet 4 year old!  We can't wait to see all that He has in store for you.  All of our love sweet thing!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Sweet b-day girl! I see what you're doing there, Sharon..... trying to see how many people read every word of the post!! I read every word!! Congrats on moving forward to have another little girl. So excited to hear details! Have fun celebrating your 4 year old!!