Psalms 126:3

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"

We've Been Waiting:

Making our Way to Miah:

We are very close to receiving out TA (Travel Approval) WHOOP, WHOOP!

April 23: All Hague adoption paperwork is complete. US Consulate will issue our Article 5 to China (CCCWA) within 10 days.

Happy Referral Day: February 21, 2013
(we waited 1 year, 6 months, 20 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes

LID - March 26, 2012

DTC (dossier to China): March 9, 2012

USCIS Approval: February 13, 2012

USCIS Fingerprinting visit: February 7, 2012

Dossier completed: January 2012

Chinese Consulate mailing: December 2011

Paper-chase began: August 1, 2011

Talk to our Agency: July 2011

Decision to begin the journey: Father's Day 2011

Monday, January 12, 2009

Gotcha For Good

Here she comes! (Glenn our adoptive guide on left, her nanny is holding her and the director is following)
She was more interested in the toys then our chatter

Future bull rider
Sizing us up and weighing her options
Well, if I'm staying, I might as well have my first bite of cheerios

Belly laughing at herself (she is definitely my daughter as I crack myself up too)

Here she is, the moment we've been waiting for a long time. We are now the proud parents AND in position of our beautiful daughter, Liliah YingXia (XiaXia, pronounced shaw, shaw). The day & moment couldn't have gone any smoother!

We started out the day with our new friends Dan & Becky, who are here to adopt there daughter, Bethany. Anyway, we were on our own our first day until our 2:40 PM appointment to meet our daughters. I'm proud of the 4 of us as we hailed a taxi to head to WalMart and only paid 6 yuan (after the front desk said it would cost 10), finding said store after being dropped off in a metropolis of high rise store buildings....we had to do lots of speaking and hand gestures...nothing obscene (at least I hope there wasn't any of that), purchasing bribery snack items and finding a McDonalds - success.

At 2:40 PM, we headed to the lobby to meet Glenn our adoption "go to" guy and headed to our meeting place to pick up our girls. Afterwards, we headed back to our hotel & rooms to do some paperwork and get some bonding time in with our sweeties. Glenn met us for dinner at a nearby restaurant for some really good Cantonese cuisine. I am lovin' the food right now. We haven't seen anything scary yet and have not had any stomach issues - yeah. The girls were so good. Liliah entertained herself with several chopsticks, soup spoons, bowls and card board tissue box....she was crackin herself up. She has only showed us her happy side so far.....I know, she's being merciful to us.....probably thinks.....I better take it easy on these newby parents of mine!!! Bethany (Dan & Becky's daughter just turned 3) was so animated saying, Ooh when they kept bringing platters of food out. She was reserved at first about eating, but then warmed up and thought.....I think I will have some.....keep it comin' folks. We then headed back to our rooms for some much needed rest. We fed Liliah her first bottle which takes longer with her because of her she chews to nipple and moves it from side to side....but gets the job done. She stayed up until about 10:30 and her bedtime says 9PM. I don't think she wanted to miss a thing, but she was really content and not fussy. Daddy laid down with her and put her to sleep while I worked on the blog. She slept with me and that was sweet, but I didn't sleep too much because she was moving around & snuggling up to me.....I's tough! We will see if I make it through the day without naptime. More later....I got up @ 4AM to make sure all of you get to see her face & hear about our day. Thanks so much for following us on our trip. We love hearing from you.

Stay tuned for more Liliah sightings. I need to start getting ready for the day before my little pumpkin wakes up....she slept through the night.


Dawn said...

Oh Sharon she is just perfect!!! She looks so happy...I love the pic of her laughing. I hope you enjoy every moment together!! I cant wait to see more~

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!!!!!!!! Tears of joy!!! She is sooo beautiful!!! God is so Amazing!!! All of this time waiting and praying and looking forward to this day. . .just so . . .well. . .wooooooo hooooooo. . .I just knew your gotcha day would be just wonderful!!! With that belly laugh she will fit right in!!! I am an aunt again officially!!!! Welcome to the family miss Liliah. . .we absolutely cannot wait to meet you!!! We can all have belly laughs together!! HUGE WOOOOO HOOOOO HUGS! Lori and the fam

Anonymous said...

I can't stop crying! She is just beautiful! I am absolutely thrilled for you guys! What beautiful pictures-she looks so content in your arms! Our family is praising God with you both! I can't wait to meet my future kindergartener:)
God Bless

Laurie said...

OH, I'm SO excited!! PICTURES!! STORIES!! She is just beautiful- what a DOLL!! I can't wait to hear more stories, and I hope the happiness just goes on and on and on!! CONGRATS!! I'm sooo excited for you both!

Anonymous said...

What a special and exciting moment and blessing to see our lovely new granddaughter...Welcome to our family Liliah from Papa and Nanna!You are sure a cutie pie and I know we're going to have lots of fun together soon. Thanks for the great job you're doing Sharon keeping us informed; it is wonderful to be able to share your joy thru the pics, etc...these are such precious moments.
Love, Dad & Mom

Anonymous said...

What can I say but "what a great beginning!" This time is so special and I'm am thankful to be able to follow along and experience with you. Liliah, we hope that we touch your live as much as you touch ours. Love and blessings! Auntie Diana and Uncle Perry; cousins Jacob, Katherine & Taylor

Patricia said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your daughter is beautiful!! She looks so happy and so do YOU!! :)